setting overview


the virus

Important to note: the information below, detailing the origins of the virus, is only ever discussed on a need-to-know basis. this information is heavily monitored by the government, and those working in the facility at the time—who weren't infected, of course—were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements.

origin of the Neurovoric Z-Virus

Setting: A state-of-the-art research facility, renowned for cutting-edge Neurological and Virology research.
Initial Intent: Two separate research teams had been focused on two distinct yet equally ambitious projects. The first team had concentrated on the rabies virus, aiming to unlock new treatments for viral encephalitis and refine viral vectors for gene therapy. Their approach had involved understanding and altering the virus's neurotropic effects, which could lead to significant advancements in medical treatments. Meanwhile, the second team had dedicated themselves to prion diseases, specifically targeting neurodegenerative conditions. Their research had centered on studying the mechanisms of protein misfolding and its effects on neural tissues, with the aim of developing new therapeutic strategies to halt or reverse the progression of these debilitating diseases.
Cross-Contamination Incident: Due to a lapse in safety protocols, during an experiment, a culture of neural cells infected with a genetically modified rabies virus had been inadvertently exposed to prion proteins from a nearby experiment. This cross-contamination had led to an unexpected mutation in the rabies virus, incorporating prion-like characteristics and creating a novel pathogen with dual characteristics.
Outbreak: The virus quickly spread through the local population, overwhelming local healthcare systems. Attempts to quarantine the infected area were initially successful, but the virus's resilience and the lack of immediate symptoms in some carriers allowed it to breach containment.

Symptoms and disease progression:
Infected individuals exhibit a range of symptoms:

  • Incubation period (1-5 days): The virus enters the body through a bite or exposure to infected saliva. Secondary transmission can occur through contact with bodily fluids or cerebral spinal fluid. During the incubation period, individuals exposed to the Neurovoric Z-Virus remain symptom-free. Despite the absence of symptoms, they can still transmit the virus.

  • Early symptoms: After initial infection, the virus travels to the brain, causing inflammation and typical viral symptoms (fever, fatigue, cough, sore throat, muscle or body aches, and headache).

  • Neurological Phase: As the virus affects the brain in a prion-like manner, victims exhibit increased aggression and a loss of higher cognitive functions. This is characterized by a complete loss of individual personality, with functioning based solely on instinctual drives. They also suffer from impaired motor control due to severe and irreversible neurological damage, akin to spongiform encephalopathies. Hallucinations and paranoia may set in, further exacerbating aggressive behavior.

  • Physical Degradation: Over time, infected individuals show signs of physical decay due to neglect of self-care and continuous aggression. This may include skin lesions, hair loss, and other visible signs of physical deterioration.

  • Advanced Stage: Advanced neurodegeneration leads to a zombie-like state, characterized by a complete loss of individual personality and cognitive abilities, with functioning based solely on instinctual drives. Physically, individuals may exhibit rapid decay due to the prion-like effects on neural tissues. Their ability to interact with their environment or others diminishes significantly. Eventually, the physical body succumbs to the combined effects of neural degradation and systemic organ failure.

transmission mechanism

Like rabies, the Neurovoric Z-Virus is transmitted through saliva, primarily via bites. When saliva containing the virus enters the bloodstream of a bitten individual, it initiates infection. The saliva of an infected individual contains high concentrations of the virus, making their bite highly infectious. The altered nature of the virus allows for more efficient transmission and a faster onset of symptoms. Additionally, secondary transmission can occur through contact with other bodily fluids or cerebral spinal fluid.

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georgia (state)


The Church of The Rapturists


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safe zones

Location:These soldier-civilian communities, born of strategic foresight and cooperative survival, have emerged as beacons of hope in designated safe zones worldwide, fostering a profound sense of unity and purpose. A blend of military precision and civilian ingenuity has transformed these enclaves into secure, self-sustaining fixtures of post-apocalyptic society.The soldiers use their tactical knowledge to develop security protocols and patrol the perimeter, defending against both hostile factions and environmental dangers. Meanwhile, the civilians make invaluable contributions in agriculture, education, and healthcare, applying their varied skills to enhance self-reliance and life quality.


Location:The preppers, having anticipated societal collapse long before the outbreak, were among the first to establish a cohesive community in its aftermath. Their prior connections and preparedness facilitated a swift transition from isolated individuals bracing for doomsday to a structured, cooperative group.Initially, these individuals were recognized for their focus on survivalism. However, they have since evolved into merchants within the apocalyptic society. Leveraging their extensive knowledge of survival techniques and their stockpiled resources, they now serve as essential providers of goods and services. From purified water and canned foods to medical supplies and shelter materials, their offerings have become foundational to the new economy emerging from the ruins of the old world.

scrapyard dogs

Location:The Junkyard Dogs are an essential faction within the apocalyptic society, where they have carved out a niche by dismantling abandoned electronics and siphoning gasoline from derelict vehicles. This resourcefulness enables them to harvest a variety of materials and fuels, which are in scarce supply and high demand. They strategically utilize these resources, selling them for profit or bartering them for services. One of their most crucial exchanges involves securing protection from a dangerous cult, a service provided by a nearby soldier-civilian community.Their reputation as errand boys is built on their willingness to undertake missions that others deem too dangerous. Despite the risks, their activities are essential, facilitating the flow of goods and information between survivor groups and contributing to the semblance of an economy in a fractured world. Additionally, their operations often lead them to uncover valuable intelligence about cult movements and other threats, making them an unofficial yet critical component of the community's scattered network.



The Rapturists

Location: Georgia, USA.In Georgia, there is a cult which preaches about how the rapture is near, manipulating its followers with the fear of an impending apocalypse. The group insists that infection taints the soul, rendering the afflicted unworthy of ascension to heaven. At the heart of this manipulation is the cult's leader, a man who employs fear as his chief tool, maintaining control through the threat of his pet zombies.This leader views risky behaviors, particularly those that might lead to infection, as sinful temptations. He argues that such actions compromise spiritual purity, essential for salvation. Moreover, he harbors deep-seated contempt for the idea of soulmates. In his eyes, the pursuit of love is a dangerous distraction.His teachings reflect a broader disdain for worldly attachments, emphasizing that true salvation lies in unwavering faith and adherence to his strict guidelines. Through fear and manipulation, he not only seeks to control the physical actions of his followers but to dominate their emotional and spiritual lives, insisting that any deviation from his doctrine is a step towards damnation.

work in progress

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